Positive Vibes Smudging Kit-
Don't let bad juju or negative energies ruin your day. Negative energy can accumulate over time. You can be left feeling drained, foggy headed, or even depressed. It's time to cleanse and purify the your aura, home and office space.
Kits contains:
Abalone Shell- Is said to enhance feelings of peace, compassion and love. With it's warm, gentle vibration soothes the nerves and encourages calmness.
Selenite Wand- Is a protective stone, it shields a person or space from outside influences and lower vibrations. Powerful energies of selenite help to connect with your guides, angels, consciousness and higher self, bringing mental clarity, clearing confusion and reveals the bigger picture. Selenite calms and soothes, bringing deep peace and a sense of tranquility.
White Sage- highly valued as a ceremonial and ritualistic plant and deemed to have spiritual, emotional, psychic and cleansing properties and is now used by many for this purpose of purification. Smudging is when the smoke attaches itself to negative energies and as the smoke clears , it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it outside where it regenerates into positive energy.
Palo Santo- one of the oldest and most revered tool for spiritual and physical cleansing. Spanish for Holy Wood. Burning it is believed to cleanse a person's energy field and aura and heals physical ailments while uplifting. The smoke is purifying, grounding effects that might even increase your focus and good fortune.
Raw Clear Quartz Point- one of the most powerful healing crystal, known as the master healer. Enhances awareness and improves one's perception. Clarifying stone that amplifies and directs energy. Increases intuition and aids in decision making. Increases spiritual wisdom. Clears the space for dreams to come true.
Pendulum- helps in promoting spiritual and physical healing by locating and blocks in a person's aura, balances, healing and clearing our mind and body. Used to harmonize an environment and space by clearing out negative energy.